Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey U2 Fans

Wanna preview of a new tune? Check out THIS LINK to hear "Window in the Skies" off the forthcoming U218 album. It'd be fun to know what you all think about it...so feel free to post a comment after listening. :)



Scott Anderson said...

I've listened to it several times now, and my first thought is that it's U2 trying to sound like the Beatles, especially on the chorus.

I wish I liked it more. Edge does his usual guitar magic, and the verses build beautifully, but the chorus just doesn't have the payoff for me. I was all hyped to like this song, because the last time they pulled this stunt (one new track to get hardcore fans to pony up for a compilation album), I really loved the song (Electrical Storm). This just feels like an OK b-side.

All that said, there have been U2 songs that I didn't care for at first that then slowly grew on me, so who knows, maybe I'll love it in a month.

Anonymous said...

I like both recordings. But I especially loved Abby's. A funny thing happened as I was listening. I had the TV on with the volume off and a commercial came on for Check Into Cash. There was a birthday cake and just as Abby was blowing out the candles, so was the person in the commercial. Love Grandma Shudu

Angela White said...

Scott is always so glass half full(pot/kettle)....and what is so bad about sounding like the best band of all time when you're the second best band oaf all time??? Glad Scott knows himself well enough as his last paragraph suggests he may eventually love this song. Who am I to talk though...I hated Achtung Baby at first! Now I can't imagine my U2 world without it...for the record I love the song...love the 6/8 timing, a rarity for them....and love the counter melody

Anonymous said...

cool song. -gabe

Tyler Morgan said...

these are fighting words but...the Beatles take a distant back seat to U2 in my book :D