Today marks Aaron's one month birthday...

We celebrated the big day with a trip to Costco so we could spend over $100 on peanut butter, batteries and granola bars. How does this happen?!? I always go intending to spend VERY LITTLE MONEY but the place just sucks cash outta you...all in the name of "saving money". Bummer for Aaron was no pizza or hotdogs. (just milk...someday buddy!) Abby, however, was very excited about her rather large slice of cheese pizza.

Here's a fun picture of "The Ron's" (Papa RON & AaRON). Can you tell they're related?!?

There's been lots going on. Even though Angela and I don't get a ton of sleep, it's been nice to be out and about lately. Check out all the latest pictures RIGHT HERE on my FLIKR page.
It definitely is hard not to spend at Costco. You really have to have a list of real necessities and only get those items. Not only diapers, are cheaper, but I get most of my prescriptions from Costco. I found them to be Way Way Way cheaper. Disgusting what prescriptions cost. A prescription that thank God for smaller co pay, the prescription for a thirty day supply was 400.00. That was at a local pharmacy. At Costco it was less than 100.00. Thanks Andy for the update on the pictures. I know sleep is a hard commodity to come by when a little precious bundle is around, especially when there are older children as well. It's nice to have the pictures, but it's really difficult to hold the pictures in my arms. Sho du miss being able to hold them. Grandma Shudu.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this latest batch of pix.....so cute! And Aaron is such a cutie bruiser boy. He looks like a cross between you and Abby to me (mouth, chin, and coloring like Abby....Nose, eyes and head shape like You!).
Cute cute pix!! Aaron and Grandpa Ron make a cute pair, don't they?? Isn't it amazing how these grandbabies are alike and different all at the same time. Each one a new love affair for all of us!!! Love, Gramma R
I can't BELIEVE it's been a month already! Where's Ange? That pizza shot is one of the greatest ever. Would be a great ad for Costco.
thx for the comments everyone! yes, these kids are a hoot. it's one big cute fest!
heather-i think ange is home right now. she is also HERE.
anyone who wants to hold a kid can dial 1(800) HOLD-KID or log onto www.holdkid.com. we'd be especially thankful if you hold them when they have gas!
Yeah. That's what I meant. She hasn't posted in a while so I was wondering what was up. Guess I'll just have to wait. . .
i believe Angela is still perfecting the delicate balance of breastfeeding and blogging at the same time. soon though...
Nephew's are cute but a Three year old neice that can recite the entire alphabet is priceless. Maybe having two Master educators for parent is paramount. By the way I ask Abigail about Aaron and just threw out the fact that mommy, and daddy, and even she was a little baby just like Aaron Abby laughed and then said you're crazy uncle Danny. I also asked her if she remembered what heaven was like since she just came from there. She said yeah, laughed and then said yup, "your crazy uncle Danny"
Now eather she is very perceptive or or Mommy and Daddy have been talking. Love you Guys see you soon.
Don’t worry Uncle Danny. we don’t call you crazy. I think the only thing she thought was crazy was your recitation of the alphabet backwards. new territory for her. she is precious though. :)
I did log on to the "holdkid.com" and they have a book about how to ask questions for your kids to stimulate conversation. Guess they don't know Abby very well. Abby has already developed her own set of questions and answers, that you sure need an encyclopedia to get the answers to. She's pretty amazing. "Is that Cathy with a "C" or a "K" Love Grandma Shudu
Love the pictures of the kids. Love Papa James
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