I'm in the middle of nine straight "Daddy Days" as Abby calls 'em. These are days that I don't go to work. Abby & I both really love these days because we get to catch up on lost time together.
Since the "Daddy Days" are so much fun, I decided to raise the stakes by offering her a post nap "Daddy Date" to the local school playground. Abby was pumped. She went right to sleep without one ounce of retaliation. We cut our park time short due to wild natives at the school and an urgent bathroom situation. Obviously, Abby was not ready to go home. She thought
Tyler's Donuts would be a good place to use the restroom. That's "morning sugar"...we can't go there now.
What do I do? It sure would be fun to do something extra special on this rare, oh-so-special Daddy Date. How about a trip to that new place I've been itching to try:
Buddy's Pretzel's. Despite the high prices, she loved it. She even talked me into the deluxe cinnamon & frosting pretzel. I would have preferred the old school salt version, but I suppose when you're 3, we went for the Cadillac. Abby was stoked as was I to be with her. Good times.