Sunday, October 22, 2006

New Mommy

New Mommy
Originally uploaded by andy white.
It pays to marry up. I'm no dummy. I knew a keeper when I saw one and I did all I could to keep her. Somehow, Angela agreed to keep me. She has been a continually growing blessing in my life.

For us, having Abby has been the best thing we've ever experienced. It has added ginormous depth to our marriage, and has given us a deeper understanding of the Father's love for us. Today, we took our first outing as a foursome.

Aaron slept through his first shopping trip. Since this was our first family outing (since having Aaron), Abby was sure to do a great job of keeping her eye out for him. We made a "run for the border" before shopping. Yeah, we know....strong move!

You might wanna make a run for my FLIKR FOTOS to see some more pix from our family outing!

Fun at Vons


Angela White said...

I am pretty sure this is the wrong venue to break this news to you...but I am in love with another man...he's a MUCH younger man..about 10 days old...I hope you will forgive me...I still love you too! And I would choose you again for the record!

Anonymous said...

This little guy just gets more handsome every day. I miss our snuggles. Congratulations on a successful outing!!!
Love, GrammaRachel

Andy White said...

Come on down for some more snuggles as soon as you want!!! We miss you Gramma Rachel. :)

Andy White said...

can't blame ya Mary Beth!

h west said...

Yeah, I guess it's a good thing that Ange didn't marry the Westmont basketball team. Instead she robbed the cradle.

h west said...

Does anyone ever tell you that you look like Mike Myers? Sometimes, we want to shave your head and call you Dr. Evil.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable! The kiddos are just so sweet.....warms the heart. Luv,
Auntie Luv

Andy White said...

h west-i will totally shave my head....for 1 million dollars!!! i have heard the myers comparison before. could be worse, right? at least you didn's say rodney dangerfield. ange and i think it's more the upper face. admittedly, i wish you had said i was as funny as MM.

yes, rox...i live with gobs of cuteness all around me. it's hard to know what to do with it all. i gots to cherish it.

Anonymous said...

Oh "My Goodness", I looked at the picture of Angela and Aaron in front of the fountain. When I first looked at it, I thought they were in a swimming pool. I thought, I know it's good to start them early, but may that could be just a little too early. Then I studied the picture and realized what it was. What a precious little darling he is, actually all of you are. Love Grandma Shudu

Anonymous said...

Andy, Angela may have robbed the cradle, but she sure put some beautiful creatures back into the cradle. Love ya! Mom

Anonymous said...

I check your blogs daily. Love catching all the latest wonders unfold. From Aaron, to Abby, to Angela, to you. What a great thing these blogs are. Digital amazement. Love you all. Grandma Shudu