Today, we saw Aaron start to REALLY smile. Was he listening during his medical exam? Well, probably not. Most likely, his grins are from gas bubbles, but that's fine with us because his little smiles are cuter than a truckload of puppies. Don't believe me? I have plenty of new pix SO JUST CLICK HERE.
Abby continues to be a saint of a big sister. Today, she even helped with a diaper change. We're praying that she'll one day help Aaron with his homework, give him poignant dating advice and unlock deep spiritual truths. For now, we could not be more overwhelmed by the blessing of two perfectly created children.
In this time of blessing, we continue to ache and pray for the Steele family. Not a moment goes by where we don't wish Matt was with us. It does help to know we have such a close friend watching over our family. Thanks man.
Lastly, thanks SOOOOO much to Gramma Rachel for all her help this week. We love you! Ok, one more thing...new pix RIGHT HERE.

looks like He has Grampa Ron's Eyes & Grampa Joaquin's smile. It is like GOD Himself is smiling at you through this little creature. Aaron I miss you little man, I can not wait to hold you and kiss those cute cheeks. Love you.
Abigail Uncle Danny misses you, and your little BIG hugs. Aunt Mary Beth, and your cousin Gabriel , and I will see you at Christmas. PS. What do you want for Christmas? Love you Abigail
He is just cuter each day!!!! Good pics DD.
Abby says she wants a "curtain house" with some cute pole on it. we have no idea what that means.
"I saw it on a show. I love curtain house," says Abby.
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