I wish I could join up for the rest, but alas, the family needs me home. Abby is on the move and Angela is less and less on the move every day. It's exciting to think that we're only a couple months away from meeting Baby Brother, or "Magical Boy Pony", as Abby likes to call him. (No clue on that one). However, we now realize that I will need to step it up as Ange takes steps towards the couch. This was especially true today as Angela's back woke up on the wrong side of the bed. The few steps she took resembled a Granny's! Get all the info HERE AT ANGELA'S BLOG.
In other news, we have been at war lately. Not with Iraq. Not with Iran. Not even with Ipods. My new Video iPod , thanks to the generosity of a phenomenally kind parent from Elmo, is working like a charm! Who are we at war with!? None other than Abby!
It has been "Potty Wars '06" and she is more stubborn than Bin Laden and Saddam combined! If she's downed 3 milks, an OJ and a couple waters, we tend to think it's time to go. Not her. If it's our idea, she'd like to have NOTHING to do with the plan. She'll hit the jon when she is good and ready! A couple days ago I told Ange that we either need to fight harder to win or give up. Well, we of course fought harder. We're grown ups, right!?! Yes, there were owies on the bottom, loss of play time...all the heavy artilery! We won the battle that day, but alas, we've lost the war. After several hours of debate and hard fought battle, I was still losing and finally decided that it just wasn't worth it. Today, I've waved my white TP and surrendered to my more stubborn opponent.
Why? Well, she's a good kid. To be honest, an angel (almost all the time!). She also has a phenomenal track record. I think she's only wet her chonies 3 or 4 times. If she were in the Army, she'd be promotted to General or something! What was I thinking? I can't beat Captain Underpants! From now on, she can go to the potty whenever she feels it's go time. If she has tons of accidents, then I'll recalculate. But for now, what a relief (ahem, sorry) to be under the skilled leadership of Abby's bladder. Tommorrow will be a happy day and we won't spend 2 hours crying on the pot. phew.
Feel free to leave a comment....or shall I say a vote! Either vote "Good Move!" or "You loser!". I'm curious what you all think.
Good movement.
Potty Wars...that's gotta be a book title! I am certainly interested in the input of others regarding our daughters outburst about "output"
I vote "Good Move!" Knowing your daughter she won't like having wet chonies if accidents do happen, although we pray that they don't! Thanks for the enouragment on my blog... I'm not too worried... I'll still plug away into the writing world :-)
Good move!!! If she's even 1/2 as stubborn and determined as our lil girl, you'd have lost eventually anyway... LoL!! ;) She'll do it, she's a smart girl, obviously :0)
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