How did Angela manage to sleep in a tent when she's almost 7 months pregnant? Good question. Well, she didn't. Jeff and Kathleen were nice enough to offer her their bed while the rest of us were "roughing" it. Abby and I set up our own tent and she even got to debut her new Princess Sleeping Bag! Needless to say, she was stoked about this sleeping situation. She went down without a fuss, and I have to say, she was pretty darn cute. I came to bed a while after her and half-awake she said, "Hi Daddy!"
"Hi Abby. Goodnight," I replied. Then she rolled over and went right back to sleep! A few hours later, I heard her tossing and turning like a tumbleweed so I asked what was wrong. "I dunno," she replied. Funny...just like me! I had trouble getting comfortable and somersaulted all night. Obviously, we were all happy to be back in our beds.

OK, I think that was the most boring blog update of all time. I hope you enjoy the picture of Abby enjoying her first S'mores. (thanks Julie Anderson for the pictures!).
Andy left the best part out...when I saw Abby in the morning...she sai...Hi Mommy! I said...did you have a good rest...she said (with exuberance) "Yeah, Daddy had stinky tooters!" Welcome to my world Abby!
I'm sure glad we got the whole story! (thanks Angela)
And, by the way, Abby looks very cute with a choclate marshmellow mustache :-)
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