"My really good art..."
She's proud of her work!
Aaron is really into Bob the Builder...well, at least the song! Here he is watching the intro and playing the theme song with Bob. He usually only lasts a few minutes into the show, then he's off to the next thing!
Last year I started with baby Aaron.. toddler Aaron is going to be a whole new can of beans :-) Looking forward to it!
oh yes, get your running shoes on! This guy is NO baby and constantly on the go! He still takes good naps though. :)
Yep, Abby is right, that is really great art- love the color. Frame it!! And Aaron - you are changing so fast buddy!!!
yeah, she's getting good. Aaron is starting to really lose whatever "baby" is left in him. Lots of talking, lots of boy stuff, lots of cuteness. I've taken him swimming twice in the past couple days (Elmo class parties) and he really likes it!
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