10. We finally got an Odyssey! We're super stoked on our 2005 ride!
9. Abby's 5th Birthday!
8. Sailing with my Dad on his 60th! Can't wait for his BIG party on Saturday!!
7. More Family Time! We get to hang in San Jose for a week! :)
6. Slow Mornings. I love hanging with these munchkins for breakfast!
5. Wrestling with Aaron. We like to get dirty and rough house!
4. Movies! There's more time for watching some good flix...and then wearing the matching jammies!
3. Beach fireworks with Abby!
2. Water fun...beach, pool, you-name-it, we love it!
1. Tons of BBQ's! I love to Q it up...especially with Abby and Aaron's camaraderie!
REMEMBER: I posted tons of pix on my FLICKR page. Don't miss 'em!
1 - I think it's funny I took 2 of those pictures
2 - That life vest completes your look... you should wear it more often
3 - You forgot to list "discovering I'm horrible at Word games on facebook"
Love the new ride! But I think you should get those hubcaps that keep spinning, even when the car isn't moving.....bling it up a little bit!
UMM...For the record those ARE the bling bling WHEELS not Hubcabs...
Nice looking van. We have an '03 Odyssey and absolutely love it. I'm always impressed how much stuff we can get into it. Enjoy.
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