First off, Abby is better from a gnarly virus that lasted 6 days! Poor little cutie got knocked on her keester, and was none too pleased. Fever up to 104! Nose stuffed up the wazoo. YUCK! We're especially thankful seeing as we're going to Denver for a family reunion tomorrow! Sick Kid+Airplane=Nobody Happy. :( Thank you antibiotics!
So before the sickness, Abby and Aaron had some fun in the backyard with the new kiddie pool. Here's some recent photos:
The big sister is SO proud of her little buddy bear!

Abby's stellar swim lessons earned her the "Ariel" swim gear!

Aaron is quite pleased about the new high chair...he takes his eating seriously!

you KIDS are funny - you KRACK me up!!! Great pix. GrammaR
How was colorado??? Where are you going anyways? My parents are next to CoSprings.
Doode... I just noticed the Ariel swim gear... Whitney just got a set as well.
Definitely looks like good times...
I love the food mustache Aaron. You are such a cutie, and Grandma Shudu love you so much, I can't wait to give you a big hug again. Love love love.
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