Today was a pretty amazing day. Took an impromptu trip to the House of Mouse with both kiddos. It was easily the best day of Abby's life--no shocker there! Surprisingly, Aaron had way more fun than we thought possible. He was so into all the "eye candy" throughout the day. Plus, who knew you could take a baby on several of the rides!?! Aaron was particulary fond of Pirates of the Carribean.
The biggest surprise was I found a deeper love for my children than I thought I had. I knew they meant the world to me but something about the thrill of Abby's day allowed me to feel something deeper in my affection for her. No Matterhorn. No Space Mountain. No Star Tours. We stuck with the "under 36 inches" categories. Somehow, it didn't bother me at all. I was 100% focused on lighting up my child's day--and it was a complete joy. I didn't feel it a sacrifice, but more of a way to experience joy for myself even deeper. I was reminded in a new way of how my parents, and ultimately, my Heavenly Father feels for me.
It was a good day. Video is coming soon....
Abby's still smiling at the end of the day!
6 comments: now you know. I love that look of enchantment on all your faces. Priceless. Love,GrammaR
I am so jealous! I have never even been to Disneyland or Disney World! We are definitely going to have to plan on it next time we are out there. I am sure Gabriel would have a blast there with his cousins!
A princess getting to meet THE princesses! Epic!
way to be good parents! way to have good kids! way to go to disneyland! way to find a deeper love! way to go!
What a thrill for any child and especially for seeing our little princess with the other princesses. She looks like she's deep in thought with Ariel. Aaron is definitely taking it all in. I would love to be able to see Abby, Aaron, Gabriel and all the rest of us there maybe one day soon. What a thrill to remember. Love Grandma Shudu
By the way did Abby bring her own princess dress or did they provide it there? Love Grandma S.
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