Thursday, February 16, 2006

Abby hosts V-Day Party!

Cute Girls
Originally uploaded by andy white.
I’ve got some new pictures up HERE. Abby had all her 2-year-old buddies over for a Valentine's Day party on Tuesday. It was pure good times. Angela had the condo decked out with hearts and streamers, etc. The cupid-crew was decked out in their favorite red and pink attire as they crafted valentines for their friends, sang love songs on the lawn and pounded cup cakes in the name of love.

Although I missed the party because I was at work, I did try to join the holiday fun. I brought home a small potted plant for Angela. As I walked in the door with the gift in tote, Abby ran up to me and yelled, "Oh wow Daddy, you brought me a present!" I locked eye contact with my trusty parental partner...she KNEW the gift was for her, but graciously gave me the nod to pass it on to our adoring 2 year old. Abby proceeded to adoringly sniff the plant and smoother me with hugs and kisses. I instantly became a ginormous fan of the holiday. Thanks Angela...what a great woman, eh?

Speaking of Angela ruling...check out all these ridiculously cute pictures she gave me for Valentine's Day by clicking HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so the big girl bed!