I hope you've had a great year so far. If you haven't, take heart, it's only the second day!
While it's sad that my vacation time is almost past, I must be thankful for all the relaxing family time I logged. A big holiday highlight for me was spending a week in San Jose with my family. I've added some new pix from the holidays here.
My three-year-old nephew, Nolan, was a blast to play with! He's passionate about his mix CD's and rocking his drums. While I was crusing the San Jose music stores, I grabbed him some "Cool Rods" to jam with. This picture shows him throwing down a sweet groove at "Bamboola", an indoor playground of sorts.
Christmas with Abby this year was highly entertaining...to say the least. She really became passionate about every aspect of the birthday celebration. Presents, trees, cookies, Jesus, songs, candles, anticipation, Mary, ornaments, movie specials, Joseph, wisemen, angels, lights, ok, basically everything! She loved it all. I didn't expect to see such enthrallment. She made the excitement come alive for me like never before. Be sure to check out the latest pictures here.
careful...too much cuteness might crash the internet!
i like to live dangerously...plus, how could i say no to the cute?
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