Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Beach Playground in Winter!
As I look at this picture, I realize that Abby is getting old. Seriously, I think she is growing up at some sort of record speed. It's crazy! In case you're wondering, I think she looks gorgeous in this shot. Ok, you probably already knew I thought that, but it's good to be clear, ya know!?
So the Steelers versus the Seahawks this weekend, eh? Who's watching the Super Bowl? (Post some comments down below folks!) I for one must admit, I've trailed off in my football interest ever since my Niners went South a couple decades ago. Those guys really put the UCK in SUCK these days. I can't even stand to watch. But hey, I'll be tuning in this weekend to hopefully catch a good game, or at least some good laughs with the commercials! If you must know, in honor of my buddy Matt Steele, I'm pulling for the Steelers! Go black and yellow! (Sorry Dad...I know you've been waiting for your Seahawks to make a Super Bowl appearence for eons...)
Well, take good care everyone...and don't forget to post a comment for everyone's pleasure reading.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Curl Girl
In other news, Clark (my acoustic-ish, rainy day music band) was on the air Saturday. We were on WNYU in New York. Our song, "Lost", from the "Here Comes Tomorrow" album, was on a morning show called Pop Anonymous. We have met a promoter through MySpace that really believes in the album and is pushing it everywhere that he can...for free. So we very much appreciate the extra plugs. Stay tuned to your local radio...you just might hear Clark!
In addition to playing with Clark, I'm also dying to get back to my full band, Widescreen Reason. My buddy, Matt Steele, who drums in the band, has been fighting brain cancer. He's had a rough couple weeks, so I appreciate your prayers of healing for him. I know he'd love to be done with radiation and get back to fun things like jamming with the band. Get better soon Matt!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Big Girl Bed
I've also finished a new home movie from this year's Christmas Tree Hunt. It's called "Christmas Tree Hunt 2005". Check it out. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wanna eat popcorn. All free citizens are invited to go watch the movie at my Putfile page which is RIGHT HERE. (**Side Note...I just checked my video page...either I've gone deaf or the audio is down...let me know what you hear...or don't hear.**)
Yahoo for MLK! Yahoo for 3 day weekends! Abby and I had an invigorating bike ride this morning...who knows what other ambitions we'll stumble upon this weekend.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
KCPR Radio hosts Clark Live!

We played for about 45 minutes on the air yesterday. Thanks to everyone who tuned in via their radio or their internet connection! The radio show helped boost our CD sales for Silent Film Records. It was fun to play in a quiet room and imagine the 10's of thousands of listeners enjoying the tunes...or maybe just 10! Anyhow, it was a fun time for all and we even got to grab dinner with my parents after the show! Don't worry, if you missed the show, we should hopefully be receiving a recording soon. Ofcourse, you could always order your own copy of the Clark album here.
In other news, Abby is now sleeping in a "Big Girl Bed"...can you believe that? So long crib...on to the Toddler bed! It's pretty cute how excited she is about it. It's actually kind of nice to not have a jail cell between you and your cute kid. it's much easier to sneak back in for one more good night kiss this way (which I'm a pretty big fan of...) I'll try to post a picture of Abby in her new bed this week.
til we meet again...have a great week...
Friday, January 06, 2006
Big News! Read Secret info Below!

Here's a fun collage of Nolan and I...which by the way, my nephew Nolan and I have some exciting news...Nolan is going to have a sister!!! Yup, that means that I will be having a niece!! WOOPEE!!
Rumor has it that Nolan's proud parents are pretty pumped on the news as well. This is the first girl on Matt's side in like 1,000 years or something like that...ok, well at least 50ish. man, ahhh, June seems sooooo far away now. 21 more weeks until I get to meet my niece!
here's some other exciting news. CLARK, my "other" band, will be performing live on Cal Poly Radio tomorrow at 6:00! You can listen to the show online by clicking HERE.
If you'd like to read the promo article in the SLO Newspaper, click HERE.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Oldies but Goodies!
i have found a bunch of great older pix of abby so i've stuffed them in the "Oldies but Goodies" folder on my FLIKR page. go see them here .
that's all for today...all i have to say is, "ABBY IS CUTE!"
Monday, January 02, 2006
2006 Rocks!
While it's sad that my vacation time is almost past, I must be thankful for all the relaxing family time I logged. A big holiday highlight for me was spending a week in San Jose with my family. I've added some new pix from the holidays here.
My three-year-old nephew, Nolan, was a blast to play with! He's passionate about his mix CD's and rocking his drums. While I was crusing the San Jose music stores, I grabbed him some "Cool Rods" to jam with. This picture shows him throwing down a sweet groove at "Bamboola", an indoor playground of sorts.
Christmas with Abby this year was highly entertaining...to say the least. She really became passionate about every aspect of the birthday celebration. Presents, trees, cookies, Jesus, songs, candles, anticipation, Mary, ornaments, movie specials, Joseph, wisemen, angels, lights, ok, basically everything! She loved it all. I didn't expect to see such enthrallment. She made the excitement come alive for me like never before. Be sure to check out the latest pictures here.