Merry Christmas from the White's!
So, turns out I'm not addicted to going to work every day...oh wait, I never was. Anyway, it has been really fun to focus on being a Dad this week. Abby and I have been all about the good times this week. We're not afraid to get out loads of toys or continually recheck the couches...ya know, just to make sure they're still soft. Today, we got ambitious! We hopped on the bike and didn't stop until we hit ocean. OK, that only equals about a 1/2 mile. So, we flipped a U-ey and headed to the friendly neighborhood playground. Ofcourse, we've been doing our part to be good Americans this week...hitting the shops til we drop. Yesterday, i spent most of my time at the mall trying to find some place that sold some form of smoothies. Abby must have politely requested a "Smoothie please" at least 777 times. In the end, we had to settle for Buckstar...they actually sell some sort of non-coffee frap that sure seemed a lot like a strawberry milkshake to me. well, we we're thankful, because one of the giftcards in my wallet saved the day!
Three more days until we get to put our fake plastic Baby Jesus in our "Made in China" manger. Abby and I can hardly wait...I am a blessed man.
This was funny to read! I love the mental image of you two on the bike!
Thanks for the cute update and see you soon!
You bet Rox! The bike is really fun with Abby. Thanks for always being the one to leave a comment! So...when's everyone else gonna get on the comment train?!? That means YOU (person reading this...)
Nice job on the blog daddy....for the record the baby Jesus is porcelin not plastic!
oops...i meant to say porcelin.
I love that you love being a, mom
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