Sunday, May 14, 2006

Seriously...Goofing Off

Silly Faces #1
Originally uploaded by andy white.
Sometimes Abby and I just love to be super silly. Here's a recent sample. There's some more examples RIGHT HERE on my FLIKR page. She is really great at playing and good fun lately. One of her favorite games right now is hide-n-seek. I'm trying to teach her to not always hide in the same place or pick the spot that I JUST hid in. I'm not sure were getting anywhere, but she loves it so that's all that matters.

In a couple weeks, I'll be heading to Sea World with my 3rd graders. Good news is, Ange and Abby get to go down with us this year! We can't wait to take Abby on the train! There's no doubt that the choo-choo has long been one of her favorite things in the entire world. Lately, she's been suggesting that a train ride be one of her rewards for cooperation. "Hmmm, good idea Abby. Maybe some day." If she only knew!

Music stuff continues to go well. SBCC album has almost sold out of all 500 copies! Wow! Didn't see that coming but it's satisfying to know that all the hard work that went into the production is actually getting plugged into people's ears. Also, CLARK has a gig this Friday at Legends this Friday night. Hope to see you there for some good music and good times.

Lastly, I just want to wish a Happy Mommy's Day to all the great moms out there. You all amaze me...I have been loved beyond measure by my own Mom and I see her amazing legacy being passed along now when I observe my wife and my sister tirelessly give of themselves the way my own mom always has and continues to do. Thank you wonderful moms in my life. You bless me. :)


Angela White said...

That's my cuties! Love the fish faces! Thanks for the fun Happy Mommy Day!

Anonymous said...

yay! the fish faces :)