Tuesday, December 13, 2005

chinese christmas dress

Cutie in China Christmas Dress
Originally uploaded by andy white.
we played some music for a xmas party this weekend. abby, ofcourse, needed a festive outfit that was seasonally appropriate. we thought this china dress fit the bill. the prime rib was fab too!

hey, speaking of music, i'm very excited about my new band widescreen reason. We have a new CD out. Here's a recent band photo...

check out widescreen reason and order some CD's! they make dandy xmas gifts!


Anonymous said...

Seriously, could she be any cuter????? You can tell she likes feelin' fancy!

Andy White said...

in case you are wondering who made the last comment, it was Rox! yahoo for Rox...way to make this shimey bob interactive! woopee and stuff. ok folks, any other comments about abby's cuteness?