So sometime around October 23 we'll all get to meet this little guy. Something tells us he likes the World Cup because he's been kicking Ange's tummy like crazy! I thought about giving him a red card but then realized an "ejection" might be confusing for the lad--just stay put for now dude!
So school is out. It's official. I'm really going to miss this great class that I had. Last week was quite a whirlwind of emotion. Two of the third graders from my class are moving to Texas. We sang a little parody song to send them know, lots of goofy lyrics interspersed with lines like "we love you" and "we're sure gonna miss you in Texas." I had no idea that by the end of the song, I'd have 18 sobbing nine-year-olds on my hands. It turned out to be a very tender, healing time. If you're looking for a spiritual boost, I recommend hanging out with kids crying and praying for each other.