It’s funny how Christmas joy comes full circle when you live vicariously through the eyes of a little one. Abby is passionately enthusiastic about Mary, “Joes-feth”, and Baby Jesus. She wants to read about the shepherds and the wise men every night. There’s one unfortunate wise man that she’s decided not to like. Sorry buddy. She must have her reasons why. Other than that, she loves every iota about Christmas. Abby can hardly wait to unravel each shiny package for her and Baby Jesus. We are gripped by the mystery of the Holy day with a refreshed, child-like perspective.
It has been an eventful year:
• Abby received a shiny ribbon for a year of astonishing gymnastics!
• Angela directed a mesmerizing Christmas program for El Montecito School .
• Andy recorded 2 CD’s for 2 new bands: Widescreen Reason and Clark .
• Abby wears big girl underwear and routinely poops in the potty.
• Angela is a multi-talented music and Spanish teacher every Monday.
• Good Times Guitar and Studio is keeping Andy busy with 22 students.
• Abby phenomenally touches us with her sweet, gentle spirit.
• Angela organized a remarkable “happy” for Abby’s 2nd birthday party.
• Andy moved to another campus and continues to teach third grade with his best bud and music comrade, Gabe "Clark" Friley .
• Abby loves to sing and it’s super cute. What a sample? Click here!
• Angela had her gall bladder removed and gets to enjoy Hamburger Habit again!
• We gave thanks for Grandpa Dick’s ninety wonderful years on earth before retiring to a better place.
• A restful, weeklong camp trip with our dear friends, the Steele's, McCarter's and Knoles'.
• Uncle Lawrence’s 65th birthday in the midst of a Florida Family reunion.
• Thanksgiving rendezvous with Andy’s family in Templeton to give thanks for our many blessings and Angela’s first delicious turkey.
As we all know, life presents challenges interwoven within the joys. In June, we lost a child due to a non-viable pregnancy. To complicate matters, it took six months and two D and C's for her body to finally stop acting pregnant. The doctors were perplexed and we became quite concerned about Angela's health. Although it was an incredibly trying season, we are thankful to report that Angela is 100% healthy now. We praise God for his healing touch and the impact that Angela's faith had on her doctors. In addition, we'd like to say thanks to all of you who supported us through this bizarre episode.
It’s come to our attention that we are likely one of the most blessed families on either side of the Mississippi. This is largely attributed to you…our loving, fun-filled, gifted, endearing family and friends. Each of you is prized in our hearts.
If you want to stay current, book mark this page and come on back throughout the year. All the best in 2006….
Andy, Angela & Abby White